Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Are we the “Eves at the forbidden tree” in others lives?

First the Genesis account:  ”He [the serpent] said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” 2 And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden, 3 but God said, ‘You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.’” 4 But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. 5 For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” 6 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate.” ~ Genesis 3:1b-6

As we all know, this is the story of how SIN entered the world. The serpent was in the garden, tempted Eve with food (go figure that it was food), Eve ate it, and then Eve gave it to Adam and he ate. They both disobeyed God. Despite the fact that Eve was the one who was tempted and took the first bite God still blamed Adam who then in turn blamed Eve and God by saying “it was the woman whom YOU gave me.” This may be in part because Adam was noted as being “with her” but this is not what I want to focus on this time. For this time I want to focus on Eve’s actions only.

The words that stuck out to me were: “and she also gave some to...” Eve gave something to her husband which in turn caused him to sin. This caused me to really examine my own life. Do I “give” things to my husband that cause him to sin? Do I “give” things to my friends or family that cause them to sin? I bet you’re wondering whatever could I mean? Let me explain.

Recently some women in our church, who were long time members, were posting things on social media websites that were controversial and opposed some of the ministries and people that our church supported.  They felt that so-in-so and “that” ministry were wrong so they felt it was their mission to tell everyone.   Let me preface this by saying that the Bible has biblical and foundational truths that MUST NEVER be compromised! But these things were not one of those areas. They were attempting to “poison” others with their cause. Eventually things did not end well and the families ended up choosing to leave our church.

Now, that is a dramatic example. But what about us? Do we poison our husband? Friends? Family? with gossip, crude humor, or inappropriate things? Do our actions cause someone else to sin?

I asked myself this very question and I was stuck by two things. 1. I do cause other people to sin by my actions. I say things I shouldn’t. I do things I shouldn’t. But not only  I was sinning against my Father in heaven but my  actions were are also causing others to sin too! It’s easy to dismiss our own sins at times but to think that I am causing a rift between someone else and their Father in heaven hurt me deeply. It caused me to be more conscientious of my own actions and how they affect others. Secondly, are my actions reflecting Christ to those who don’t believe in Him? If not, then I am poisoning their ideas and what Christianity is supposed to look like, thereby, only distancing them further from eternal salvation.  How careful we must be.

So I am challenging you readers with this: “and she also gave some to...” Who and what are you giving to others? Is it the fruit of life? Or the fruit of division and death?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Deodorant is for the Gym – Not your Christian walk

After many long months of procrastination, I decided it was time to get in shape. Knowing myself, I knew I would need more than an “ok let’s do this” attitude, so I invited a friend along to keep me accountable. Unfortunately, the only time that worked for the both us busy moms was a 6:45 a.m. start time. SIGH! Nevertheless, we decided to start the following day. Being that her house was on the way to the gym, we planned that I would pick her up promptly at 6:30 a.m. so we could both be back before the chaos at home begins.

Naturally, on our first day I slept in until 6:28 a.m.; so of course, I bolted out of bed, put my sweats on, scarfed down a banana, and flew to her house. All was well, aside from the friendly glare I got. So when we arrived, we chit chatted, changed our shoes, stumbled to figure out how to operate the machines (if I can build a castle out of Lego without directions, I can do this!), and started on the treadmills. About 15 minutes into walking I realized, though smelling, that I had forgotten to put on deodorant! Completely mortified, I tried to reason in my head “she’s far enough away – she won’t smell me”, and “everyone stinks when they sweat right?” Thankfully, I don’t think she noticed but it distracted me for my entire work out. I couldn’t focus, I was quieter that I would have been, I probably was a little stand offish, and all because I was worried about being offensive in smell to one of my best friends.

Once home, and in the shower, I was contemplating my potentially embarrassing omission. I was reminded of a scripture verse in the Bible: 2 Corinthians 2: 15 & 16 “For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing, 16 to one a fragrance from death to death, to the other a fragrance from life to life.” In our culture today we are so fixated on “keeping the peace” and not being “offensive” with people, that we forget that the Bible tells us that we bring the smell of death to people who are perishing! How many of us put deodorant on our faith in order to “not be offensive?” Hiding what we believe, not standing up for truth, and maybe even partaking in things that we ought not to, all for the sake of “not offending someone.” I am not suggesting that we should go around purposely offending people by shoving the Bible down their throats, or casting judgement on them; absolutely not! God’s word tells us that HE will judge unbelievers – not us. Our obligation, as the Bible tells us, is to speak truth into their lives with the love of God expressed through our actions and attitudes, and by holding fast to Biblical truths even if it means offending someone.

Too many of us put deodorant on to cover up the “working out” that God want to do through us. If we compromise on what we believe or try and hide or cover it up, I believe in God’s eyes we are hypocrites who don’t smell. God tell us we should smell! Too believers, we’ll smell good and we will encourage them. To unbelievers, we will smell like death. You know, smelling like death may not sound all that desirable but I can tell you from my own walk before I accepted Christ as my Saviour that God used someone who had the “smell of death” as a personal wake up call for me. I was drawn in because I knew from their “smell” that something wasn’t right in my life and I needed to stop procrastination and get in shape! Thank you Jesus for using that person in my life!

I want to encourage all of your Christians who are afraid of “stinking it up” that your “smell” might be used in someone’s life, as it was in mine, to bring truth and bring another person into the kingdom of Christ.

Keep the deodorant for the gym and not your Christian life – stink it up!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Almost Another Month....


Things have been insane around here. From birthday parties, to babysitting Alexander, to summer activites, to virtual insanity!!Things have been going really well for us here at the Arseneault house. Claudia has had a playmate for most of the summer; her dear Uncle Alexander! They fight and bikering all day. I don't think I have ever heard as much tattling and "Mama Alexander did......." and "Cici (what Alexander calls me since he could talk) Claudia did......" It makes me want to scream some days.
This Thursday Claudia is going up North for 1 week and Alexander is going with his Dad for 2 weeks. I am looking forward to the quietness that will bring.

We now officailly have an amusment in our backyard. A 14' Tramploine and a 10' x 2 1/2' deep pool, and a slip and slide. I must say that I am often tempted to try the slide but I can forsee it not being a pleasurable experience.We have been spending a lot of time with other believers our age lately. Up to this point we have spent most of our time with believers that have been teaching us and guiding us along. It has been wonderful to be with them as they have been able to offer us so much insight and direction for our walk with God. However, I have found it equally wonderful to be able to be there for other believers. Up to this point something that we were not able to offer to the more refined and years-experienced chrisitans. It has been great to feel useful and finally be able to feel that we can help someone like we've been helped. I have also found that coming from the world has been a really helpful tool to in aiding those who have not come from the world. I gained a lot of experience coming from a broken family and living in such grave sin. We have been so blessed my our church and the people in it that it's been nice to return the favor once and awhile.


Friday, June 23, 2006

Long Time No Write!!

So where do I begin. It's been awhile.

Well after my last post I had to quit my diet. The side effect for Ella were not worth it. She wasn't going #2. She went 2 weeks without going. Then she finally went 1 week after I quit the diet. The good news is that I have kept the weight off and am continuing to loose! I lost another 2 pounds. Now I am only 18 pounds away from my goal. I have been doing a lot of walking. It's 6 and a half kms (2.5 miles) to the animal farm and I have walked there and back a few times! That's 13 kms in a day sometimes not counting the walking around the park and such. Claudia loves going there to see the animals and of course the beach.

Since my last blog I have undertaken the arduous task of looking after my little brother all summer. He's a good kid but he's a handful! We went on the 6.5 km walk yesterday. He was really good. We played on the beach and went to the farm. It was all fun and games until it started raining. Which wouldn't be so bad if we weren't a 50 minute walk from home with 3 kids! It all worked out though!

Well Wednesday is Claudia's birthday. 6 years old already! Wow time flies. I can't wait to see her face when she gets the trampoline. We are planning on having a party for her on the weekend after Canada Day Weekend. Maybe have some of her friends from church over for a jumping/water party!!

In my wandering on the internet I came across an excellent blog about Catholicism. It is really helpful for any of you who are trying to minister to friends who are Catholic. It's I have found it to be an excellent tool!!

Anyway I have to be going. I promise to write more often!!

In His Gracious Grip,


Sunday, June 11, 2006

10 Pound Triumph


I got on the scale this morning to find that I have lost a total of 10 pounds. I am thrilled. God has been so gracious to me. He has been very merciful with the cravings. He allowed the week to pass quickly for me. I am so thankful!!So I am 30% there. Only another 20 pounds to go. Now naturally one would think that since 10 pounds came off in the first week that the following weeks would have the same result. From previous experience it doesn't. The weight comes off much slower from here on out (I think that's why I quit so soon last time). That will not stop me this time! I am encouraged and will remain encouraged!! I know I can do this. I can fit into my size 8 pants again!!


Claudia is getting a trampoline for her birthday. She doesn't know it but her dad and his girlfriend are coming down on her birthday and we are leaving the house. They are going to set up this monstorous 14 foot trampoline (with enclosure) for a surprise. I can't wait to see her reaction! Bryan and I are going to be taking her to Canada's Wonderland for her birthday. She wants to desperately to go on "The Bat". When we took her last year she wanted to go on but I was pregnant and I couldn't take her and Bryan downright refuses to go on any rollercoaster but Space Mountain! So I will take her on it this year. I have a feeling that she is going to get intimidated once she is up there but we'll see. If she's anything like me she's a thrill seeker.

Ella is now grabbing at things. It is so amazing how she is only 3 months old and it seems like she's been around forever. She grabbed a turtle on the Tigger toy that Sue, Karli and Jean bought for her. We were just thrilled. She has been waking during the night for the last week and a half or so. I hope that she is going through a growth spurt and it's not my diet that is affecting her.On Thursday we got together with a couple Noel and Regina. They are such wonderful people. It was a great time of fellowship and of course and fierce competition of Settlers of Catan. Bryan ended up winning the game by monopolizing the development cards and getting 2 victory points! Noel had the longest road (12 roads to be exact). It was a great game and a wonderful time together as believers.

We are hoping to get together with other couples our age (no offence Herman and Jean we still love you and if Bryan had it his way we'd be with you 24/7). I'm just noticing how important it is to have friends that are going through the same things you are. I know that it's great to have people around you who have been through everything but I think that it is equally important to be utilized and to be able to help someone who is going through something that you've already conquered. (wow run on sentence) That's what we're here for; co-dependence and uplifting one another emotionally, mentally, physically and always in prayer.

In Christ,


Wednesday, June 07, 2006

6 Pounds Down 24 More To Go

Well I am doing much better with this diet than expected. The cravings are not as intense this time around. The only this I am struggling with is getting those 8 glasses of water each day. I drank it on Friday and I wasn't hungry all day. I guess that fact is true that when most people think they are hungry what they need is hydration. The adverse side effects have taken affect as of today. I am not going to complain because the weight is coming off nicely. I got a really nice and encouraging compliment from my friend Sue today. She said that my face looked thinner today than in the picture I posted. It's nice to hear encouraging words like that. I am so thankful for people like Sue. People that take the time to remember that you're working on something and then to encourage you and to take notice. Only if we all could be like that.

Ella laughed for the first time on Thursday. She saw herself in the mirror and she smiled, the cooed and the let out a chuckle. It was precious. Bryan and I were both there when it happened. It's so wonderful to share theses memories with someone this time around. It makes them that much more special. Claudia has been behaving much better lately. She is picking up after herself and doing her chose without having to be reminded. We are very proud of her. On Monday she played soccer and her team won 2-0. While she was playing goalie she stopped an attempt on net. I had called out her name prior to the shot and told her to pay attention because the other team was coming and then when she stopped the goal other parents called her name and said "way to go Claudia" and "that's it Claudia". The look on her face was priceless. She felt so proud.

Well it's time to get breakfast ready and then off to the grocery store before it rains. I am going to try and read this afternoon. I am not sure where the Lord will lead me. I think it'll be 1st or 2nd Thessalonians or perhaps Revelation. We've been discussing end times lately so I have not formed my opinion yet. I don't like thinking about it too much because as amazing and God glorifying it'll be it'll also be tremendously terrifying.
